A Slam Dunk: The ROI of Localization Software

Discover the tangible and intangible benefits of localization software for businesses in a globalized world. Increase market share and satisfaction.


4 min read

In the world of business, nothing happens in a vacuum. Everything is connected. As the world becomes more globalized, it's more crucial than ever for businesses to adapt, evolve, and localize.

Imagine the game of basketball. It's a sport that was once predominantly American, but now, it has fans and players all around the globe. The National Basketball Association (NBA) realized that their audience wasn't just in the United States - it was global. They decided to localize their content, broadcasting games and providing commentary in various languages. The result? A surge in global popularity and a massive increase in international revenue.

This story is not just about basketball. It's about business, globalization, and the power of localization. Let's explore how localization software can provide businesses a significant return on investment (ROI).

The Tangible Benefits

Let's start with the obvious - the tangible benefits. These direct outcomes can be measured in numbers and percentages, like increased market share, improved customer satisfaction, and enhanced brand image.

Increased Market Share

One of the main advantages of localization is that it allows businesses to tap into new markets. By adapting your product or service to local cultures and languages, you can reach a broader audience, thus increasing your market share.

For instance, let's look at the case of Netflix, a company that has successfully expanded its services to 190 countries worldwide. They have put tremendous effort into offering subtitles and dubs for foreign customers, considering customer preferences between dubbing and subtitling, and even creating original content that reflects local cultures. As a result, they have seen a significant increase in their market share globally.

Improved Customer Satisfaction

Localization enhances the customer experience by making your product more user-friendly in different markets. Airbnb, for instance, localizes user-generated content, provides local travel guides, and operates country-specific partnership programs. This focus on localization has resulted in high customer satisfaction and retention across different regions.

Enhanced Brand Image

Localization can significantly enhance your brand's image in the global market. A well-localized product demonstrates a company's commitment to understanding and meeting the needs of its customers, no matter where they are located. It shows respect for local cultures and customs, which can positively impact the perception of your brand.

The Intangible Benefits

Now, let's move on to the intangible benefits. These indirect outcomes may not immediately translate into numbers but contribute significantly to the long-term success of your business.

Strengthened Business Relationships

Localization can foster stronger business relationships. When you understand and respect local cultures, you are more likely to build trust with local partners and stakeholders. This can lead to more opportunities for collaboration and growth in the future.

Greater Competitive Advantage

Companies that effectively localize their products often have a competitive edge over those that don't. By meeting the specific needs of local customers, these businesses can differentiate themselves from competitors and carve out a niche in the market.

Coinbase, for instance, has a globalization strategy of "Go Broad and Go Deep," placing key leadership roles worldwide to respond to the global crypto marketplace quickly. This strategy has given them a significant competitive advantage in the rapidly evolving world of cryptocurrency.

Measuring and Tracking the Impact

So, how can we measure and track the impact of localization software on a company's bottom line? Here are a few guidelines:

  • Sales Metrics: Track your sales before and after the implementation of localization. Look for increases in sales in the markets where you've localized.

  • Customer Satisfaction Surveys: Conduct surveys in your localized markets to measure customer satisfaction. Look for improvements over time.

  • Brand Image Surveys: Conduct surveys to understand how your brand is perceived in different markets. After localization, your brand should resonate more with local consumers.

  • Competitive Analysis: Look at your market share compared to your competitors in the markets where you've localized. If your share is growing, your localization efforts are likely paying off.

In the end, much like the NBA understood the power of going global, businesses today must understand the power of localization. With localization software, you can efficiently and effectively cater to a global market - and that's a game-winning strategy.